Jack AlbrechtNice review.My wife saw the movie soon after it came out with some girlfriends. She and I watched it then together and we both liked it. There was a…7h ago7h ago
Jack AlbrechtThis is not a schoolyard.The ONLY chance to beat Russia in Ukraine is if NATO goes directly to war with Russia. Even that is not a sure thing. In that situation…10h ago110h ago1
Jack AlbrechtGood on you to respond. I think that shows real character.You started in this comment with "being in his [Epstein's] company." Then you say this is, "not a good look." Then you get to the quote I…10h ago10h ago
Jack AlbrechtI suspect, but will never know, that alcohol was involved.If they had just come from a round of beers and got off the streetcar right in front of our garage entrance with full bladders it would…1d ago11d ago1
Jack AlbrechtI agree completely with your analysis and would go even further."Honey traps" are one of, if not the best method of "turning" men into spy agency assets**. That being said, I find blackmail and any other…1d ago11d ago1
Jack AlbrechtMy advice to whomever the actual guy in this story is: Get divorced now.Your "baby" will not be helped by you staying married. When she gets a little older she'll defintely have questions that your wife won't…2d ago2d ago
Jack Albrecht"Accused of conversing"? Guilt by association much? WTF is "accused of conversing"?I'd love to see Epstein's blackmail list, and I definitely don't think he killed himself. But FFS it is not a crime to talk to somebody.2d ago12d ago1