Zelenskyy is (IMO) winning the propaganda war with tactics like this while losing the actual war. Asking constantly for no-fly-zones (NFZ) - which would lead directly to WWIII (and which according to experts has a better than 50% chance of leading to nuclear annihilation) - moves the Overton window to the right in the US public. The thought goes, "How bad is it to send a shitton of weapons, maybe even planes, if we won't create an NFZ over Ukraine."
The NFZ Clinton wanted in Syria would have brought the same result some years ago as an NFZ in Ukraine would bring now. Fortunately Obama, like Biden, is neither a sociopath like Clinton nor a moron with daddy issues like Trump. Clinton just likes war and Trump (thanks in great part to #Russiagate - ironically made up by Clinton to compensate for losing to a friggin' game show host with a combover) would compensate for #Russiagate and be ramping up aggression against Russia even more than he did as president. I'm not a Biden fan but thank God he is president right now and not Trump or Clinton.
I'm rambling a bit. Sorry.
Zelensky is a puppet of his Ukrainian patron and the US, but mostly the US. We pull the strings there directly since the coup in 2014. We don't want the war to end. Like Afghanistan in the '80s where Mika's dad had the brilliant idea to draw the Soviets into their own "Vietnam", all appearances are that we successfully provoked Russia into doing something really heinous with this invasion.
There are decent sources that suspect Russia did a full invasion instead of just the Donbas to avoid the US bringing the rest of Ukraine directly into NATO. Plausible but we may never know if that was the plan.
In any case, I expect in the end the negotiated settlement will be very close to what Russia wanted before the invasion, which is also almost identical to what Ukraine already agreed to in writing in the Minsk II agreement. Which only underscores that the entire war was unnecessary and diplomacy would have worked. But we (the US) didn't want diplomacy, so we pushed Ukraine to be as belligerent as possible since our coup in 2014 and (as Mearsheimer perfectly predicted in 2015) Ukraine will be wrecked as a result.
Ukraine loses. Russia loses (some, I don't have the expertise to judge how it will affect Putin domestically long term). The US public loses (high costs for a war that brings us absolutely nothing domestically). The US MIC wins...and that is (IMHO) what the goal of this has been all along.