You put a shitton of words in my mouth (fingers ) that I didn't say (write).
Who said anything about Superman? I don't look to any politician to "save me." I look for a politician to try to implement the policies they said they would try to implement when they ran for office. It ain't rocket science.
You promise to fight for medicare for all, then never mention it once in office? You suck on that policy point.
You promise to fight to end US endless wars and then do that when in office? You rock on that policy point.
Again, it ain't rocket science.
Obama the candidate said that the first thing he'd do in office was to get Roe v. Wade codified. Obama the president said it was not his top priority. That shit is on him.
What is on us as a people is to get them elected. and maintain pressure. Most politicians fold like a cheap garden chair the second they get into office.
It is not "my fault" that both Obama and AOC are great salespeople who didn't even try to deliver what they said they would.
'Your last sentences are just garbage. We elect representatives. We give them the power to implement policy. We elect the ones who say they will implement the policies we want. If they use the power we gave them to do something else, that shit is on them, not us.