You know nothing, Jon Snow.
I'm in the top 3% of earners for over 30 years. I live in a country with an over 50% marginal tax rate (Austria). I file US income taxes every year, but never owe anything because taxes here are so much higher than the US. This ain't about me, buddy.
I also run my own business for 28 years. I know how to legally avoid taxes. One way in particular is to run as much as possible through your company. In the US, that is MUCH easier than in Austria, but the main thing is that the sales tax is not paid by Richie Rich, it is paid by RR, Inc. or RR LTD, or RR GmbH. Richie Rich pays a percentage for his personal usage of the Lambo, but the vast majority of all the costs are paid for by Richie's company.
I guarantee you that Jeff Bezos does not personall own much of anything. EVERYTHING is owned by Amazon or some other legal entity related to Amazon. That is why a couple of years ago Jeff Bezos, the richest guy in the world who owns something like 12 mansions and just bought a $500,000,000 yacht - got a federal income tax rebate (IIRC it was 2018). The really rich don't fucking pay more in taxes than the poor.
How about this: anyone who thinks taxation is theft ought to leave the society where there are taxes levied. Because taxes are what pays for society. You buy that Lambo, where you gonna drive it? Do YOU own a road? Or do you drive on roads paid for by taxes. If you go to the gas station you want 95 octane gasoline for your Lambo. How do you know it is 95 octane? Because a tax-funded federal organization set that limit, and another tax-funded federal organization checks to make sure it is followed. If not, a tax-funded judge from a tax-funded court will fine Gasoco for the off-spec gasoline.
If your Lambo's garage catches on fire, some tax-funded firemen will come put out the flames. They'll drive there on some more tax-funded streets. They will hook up the hoses to tax-funded installed fire hydrants, and spray water from tax-funded water lines. The runoff will drain into tax-funded sewer system. The tax-funded streetlights, powered by tax-funded power plants, will allow them to work through the night.
If someone car jacks you - which would be ACTUAL armed robbery, a tax-funded police officer will (hopefully) find it, and some tax-funded SWAT guys will go with bigger guns and get your car back.
Taxes are the price of society. All that being said, MMT makes it clear that on a national level there is a larger disconnect between taxes and services, but on a local level, the relationship is pretty direct.
You don't like taxes? Move to Somalia, and do all your business and live your life having to provide the threat of violence PERSONALLY to make sure that the food you buy doesn't poison you, people uphold their contracts with you, and somebody doesn't come and take your stuff. Good luck with that.