You can use an internet search regarding 2004. It is not difficult. I've not been making up stuff about US involvement so far, I'm not doing so now.
2014 - Yanukovych was (IMO) corrupt, but democratically and legally elected in Ukraine. He was also, not surprisingly, the most popular candidate. He was deposed and fled for his life after telling his armed forces to stand down, and the Nazis in the opposition did not disarm and stand down.
Aside: Yes, the Nazis were only like 5-8 percent of the protesters, but when you are willing to kill your opponents, you have veto power over most of your opponents who aren't willing to kill for politics. The Nazis involved in Maidan are on video bragging (after the fact) that if it weren't for them, "Maidan would have been a gay pride parade." The best forensics estimates say that it was opposition forces that shot protesters, to justify more violence.
Yanukovych was not impeached. His successor was not elected according to Ukrainian law. They did not have the numbers in the Duma (IIRC the parliament is called "Duma" in Ukraine).
Again, this is documented by numerous western sources (I got the info from a UK journalist). I don't trust Russian sources and I don't read Russian, so I stick to Western sources.
Actually we don't "know" those Russian war crimes. You can watch reporting from people like Eva Bartlett (Canadian, IIRC) who travels around Ukraine debunking stories like "mass graves." And all of your points about Russia, even if true, I can counter with video of Ukrainians executing prisoners, kneecapping prisoners, video of Ukrainian military vehicles parked in or very near civilian infrastructure (human shields - a war crime). That is again my point, I'm sure both sides are doing it. Claiming, during the fighting, that one set of "evidence" is incontrovertable and one set is fake is simply no where close to objective observation (understanding that no human being can be completely objective).
You're incorrect about direct conquest. The Austro-Hungarian empire lasted 800 years. They had huge numbers of languages and cultures, and they definitely were part of the imperial war machine.
Your paragraph about Arab wars with Israel does not refute the point that Isreal is illegally occupying territories, according to the UN and internation law. Isreal has no legal right to hold the Golan Heights, just as the US has no right to hold 1/3 of Syria. It is military might alone that allows them to do this.
Your quip about Syria makes light of the underlying point: Even in a worst case definition of Russia's annexation of Crimea, it is nothing that the west (and I include Israel in that definition) has not done or is doing right now.
I am 100% against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, becaus of the civilian suffering it causes. I am 100% against the US creating the situation of civil war in Ukraine that provoked Russia into entering into Ukraine's civil war.