You are putting words in my fingers and not ironically taking my answer out of context. So you can stop beating that strawman because that is not me.
The answer to your question is….wait for it… “it depends on the context.”
IMO it is never OK for a white person to call a black person that slur, or to describe a black person using that slur. Rogan did neither of those things.
I personally believe that it is OK to quote someone or a text in most cases. Particularly in an academic setting quoting text. It is childish and stupid (again IMO) to read the original “Huckleberry Finn” and say, “n-word” when reading the book. I think that context is important because it should be clear how friggin’ racist the US was at the time, and not white wash the text.
Now for some more context…
Every one of Rogan’s uses of the n-word over a period of years, was exactly the context of quoting. Rogan did not call someone an“n-word” or a group of somones “n-words.” Rogan did not describe someone as an “n-word.” Every single instance of Rogan using the n-word, he was quoting someone else’s use of it. He was using the word in the context of describing someone else using the word. Context fucking matters.
Rogan decided for himself that it still sounded bad because when taken out of context it can sound racist, which is why Rogan decided some years ago without outside pressure to stop using the word. That context also matters.
The issue about “time” is that Rogan does 1-3 hour podcasts for 12 years. I just looked and he is about at number 1779. Let’s make the math easy. 1800 episodes x 2 hours = 3600 hours of podcasts. That is like talking non-stop 24 hours a day for 150 days.
So Brian. If we recorded you for 3600 hours talking with your friends about serious subjects, do you think we could have found you saying the “n-word” 20 times? How about repeating something else someone said that was racist or sexist or homophobic. Did you ever repeat a sexist joke?
I’d bet my yearly income that someone could put together a video of you sounding like a horrible fucking asshole by taking single or a couple words out of conversations you’ve had — out of context — and stringing them together. Hell I’d bet 2 years income.
With 3600 hours of candid conversation I’d bet we could cut together a video that makes any normal person sound like Rush Limbaugh.
The video about Rogan is a fucking hit job. Plain and simple.
And you bought it. That was the point. Get good people who don’t like racism and racists to believe that Joe Rogan is a piece of shit racist. They’ve been trying for years to say he’s a conservative and anti-trans. It’s all bullshit.
I’m not even a big Rogan fan. But this is the next salvo in a censorship war to control the narrative of news and information. First they muzzled really odious people like Milo Yiannopoulos and role-playing conmen like Alex Jones. Once they got people used to accepting deplatforming, they’ve just been going to town.
I fucking hate political hit jobs. I really hate obvious political hit jobs to make it clear to people outside the establishment media (left or right), “You better toe the line or we’ll fucking take you out. Look what we did to Joe Rogan. If we can take him out, we can take you out.” That’s all this is.