You are mixing “capitalist” with “democratic.” They are most definitely not the same.
History defies your second paragraph. Portugal is still socialist, and is one of the nicest places in Europe to live. No tyranny. France was run by Socialists and Communists in the 1980s. No tyranny and France is one of the biggest countries in Europe.
It looks to me like every time I show that socialism can work, you’ll redefine what counts as socialism so that the success stories are somehow “invalid.”
This fits also with your first point and my continuingly unanswered question: What policy or government action exists in socialist countries that does not exist in capitalist countries do you describe as “authoritarian?”
Name something specific. If you can’t claim specific authoritarian policies that only are found in socialist countries and not in democratic republics like the US, then I’d say your claim has no merit, and our debate over.