Yes. Most Americans don't know that the US invaded Russia to support the White Army of the Tsar fighting the Bolsheviks.
My dad's family emigrated to the midwest of America in 1873. They all spoke German as a first language. This was still true in the 70s when I was still living in Minnesota. I asked my dad's mom why she didn't teach him German as a kid. She said that at that time (just before and then during WWII) it was not good to be heard speaking German.
That same xenophobia lead to the Japanese internment camps, the Red Scare of the 50s, and the current Russophobia. Hating and/or mistrusting someone just because of where they are born is exactly - and I mean EXACTLY - the same as hating/mistrusting someone for their skin color or religion. Fucking abhorrent.
I've lived in socialist Vienna for nearly 30 years. It is the best place I've lived ever. My wife, born in Czechia but lived in Germany and Switzerland as well, very much agrees.
Austria is politically neutral (per their constitution), not part of NATO and a social democracy. Vienna has had a socialist mayor since WWII.
Vienna has only one WWII memorial to the soldiers who liberated them from the Nazis. It is huge and right downtown (I just rode by in one of our wonderful socialist-government-subsidized street cars less than 2 hours ago) - and to the USSR soldiers.