Yes, I wish more US urban centers were designed for walking as well. I grew up in the US mid-west suburbs where a bike or a bus could get a kid like me where he needed to go. Then we moved to Houston, where without a car you are basically fucked. Houston is great for business, but a horrible place to live because they basically have no zoning, so everything is very spread out, except for a very small part of downtown where virtually no one lives.
I live in Vienna, Austria for ages. The last 14 years in a working district with everything I could possibly need within walking, bike or public transport distance. Kind of full circle back to my days in Minneapolis so long ago.
Not only do I walk 7–8000 steps a day, I bike (in good weather season) 5–6 days a week to the gym. I never want to go back to the time when I needed my car every day.