Yes, I do believe that debt should be wiped out. I think we should be taxing the wealthy and more importantly corporations like we did after WWII, and then we could have tax-financed higher education like 1st world countries do. We shouldn’t have made those kids take out those loans in the first place. This would undue that wrong.
Education is an investment in the future of the country. It has always been so. We (the country) make back in taxes on higher wages way more than we invest on schools in letting every person who is able to get as much education as possible (purely academic, vocational or a mix). It is economically better for us to have as much free (at the point of service) education as possible.
We all went to college (I went in the 80s) with the implicit understanding of that social contract. We go as far as our brains will take us**, and our society will have jobs for us. When I went to college state schools were still mostly affordable.
**I wanted to go to graduate school, but my folks could only afford a BSc. I didn’t want to go into debt and was tired of being poor, so I found a job. That world doesn’t exist anymore.
That social contract has broken down badly in the US and NOT due to the fault of the people with student debt. We as a society have allowed a massive extraction of wealth from the working and middle class to the top few percent, particularly since the 1980s.
Relieving student debt would be a start to rebalance, and would in addition be a huge boon to the economy, as those people would then spend money in the real economy rather than their monthly checks getting hoarded by the big banks and their oligarch owners/managers.