Yes, Austria has a really great healthcare system. Certainly not perfect, but great.
Everyday life is much less stressful when your government is using your taxes for things that actually help society like healthcare, college, and public infrastructure.
I'm very thankful that Austria doesn't have much crude oil or the US would long ago have had to come here and bring some democracy to prove that socialism doesn't work.
Joking aside I'm very thankful that Austria is neutral in its constitution, which was one of the prerequisites for the end of Allied occupation in 1955. As a result, all throughout the first cold war Austria, and Vienna in particular, was a place where negotiations could take place. Right on the edge of the iron curtain and bordering Germany to the north and Italy to the south, who are both in NATO and both with ginormous US military bases.
It would be hard now for the US to bomb Austria into democracy when there is a huge UN complex here, as well as the OSCE, IAEA, OPEC, etc. headquarters.
TBH, a danger people here seen to forget as Austria has crept closer and closer to NATO is that if Austria were to give up its neutrality, Russia would have a legitimate reason to march back in and re-occupy the country.
I seem to have strayed pretty far from public healthcare insurance...