Yeah, the Stones aren't great live. Agree it doesn't matter.
I saw Ozzy in about 1981 just before Randy Rhoads did his, "Hey y'all! Watch this!" trick with his small plane. Randy was awesome. Ozzy couldn't sing for shit, and this is LONG before his body capitulated to drugs. It was still a fun concert.
It is your Freewill to be wrong. Different hearts beat on Different Strings.
That being said, you should feel a Caress of Steel for blaspheming against Rush. You Roll the Bones on your eternal fate. There are no Circumstances where a band can be Closer to The Heart than that Canadian trio. You must be in The Twilight Zone or have taken a Passage to Bangkok not to see the Permanent Waves Rush has washed over The Spirit of Radio for the last 40+ years. Maybe you can't see the forest for The Trees when you only think of individual songs.
When Neil Peart died we really said A Farewell to Kings. This Cinderella Man, a white boy from white Subdivisions who stood in the Limelight playing the lead in my school musical "Tom Sawyer" is completely objective in his assessment.
All THAT being said...yeah, virtually noone outside the Vienna Boys' Choir can hit those notes like Geddy.