Why I’m Still Happy Hillary Lost
Trump is ham-handed, inconsistent imperialist. It is why the establishment, particularly the Deep State MIC (If you believe it is a conspiracy theory that there is a Deep State MIC — you are wrong) hate Trump and want him gone.
Trump has been pretty bad on Iran, pretty good on North Korea, pretty bad on Israel (depending on your point of view), pretty good on Russia (as far as possible with the #Russiagate nonsense), horrible on drone strikes, and pretty good on Syria — considering where we were when he took office. That is my segue to Clinton.
I was here in Europe as the train stations and highways were filled with Mid-East refugees after Clinton’s stint as US Secretary of State. The political situation was very tense. The economic situation was trending bad. It didn’t get better until Trump stopped ramping up war in Syria.
Clinton wanted the war in Libya. Clinton was pushing very hard for a no-fly zone in Syria. The late Stephen Cohen understood how unbelievably dangerous it would be to have the US vowing to shoot down airplanes in Syria’s sovereign air space. Syria has no planes, so the planes would all have been Russian. Clinton was allowed to dodge the direct question if she would shoot down Russian planes.
If Clinton had won in 2016, by 2019 the US would be in full-fledged war in Syria rather than just a small force stealing — I mean “protecting” — Syria’s oil. Imagine what would have happened to the Mid-East with a full-scale US war — proxy with Russia or direct — when Covid-19 hit. Imagine what would have happened to Europe’s economy and population and then political situation with an additional one million plus Mid-East refugees camped in and transiting Europe when Covid-19 hit. The possible scenarios are varied, and all extremely bad. As horrible as Trump is, that situation would have been far worse for everyone in the Mid-East and affected by US violence in the Mid-East. If you disagree with what I just said, you are wrong.