Which is what, little ad hominem douchebag?
The difference between a "no first nuclear strike policy" and "saber-nuclear-rattling policy" is night and fucking day.
The US has NO "no first nuclear strike policy" and a "saber-nuclear-rattling policy" which puts the US clearly in the role of the aggressor.
Then let's add the facts that the Black Sea is on Russia's coast and 10,000 miles from the US and Ukraine is on the Russian border and 10,000 miles from the US, and the US has been expanding NATO eastwards to Russia's border for nearly 30 years after expressly promising not to.
The US has been provoking this war with Russia since the US-backed coup in 2014. C-SPAN video of Senator Chris Murphy talking openly in 2014 about US support for the coup has just been found in the C-SPAN archives.
Prior to the coup, the US meddled in the 2004 Ukraine election, breaking the Budapest memorandum to stay out of Ukraine's politics.
The civil war was horrible. Post-Russian invasion it is even more horrible. This all could have been avoided if we (the US) would just let other countries decide their own fate rather than meddling in their internal politics, particularly to the point of arming opposition parties in countries we don't get along with.