When I lived in the US I was very much a "car guy." Growing up in suburban Houston, if you didn't have a car you were well and truly fucked as far as having a social life or a job. The status thing came later, but was definitely there.
Long roads through the Texas pines, beach trips, and weeks long road trips across the vast mid west plains were part of the first half of my life.
30 years in Austria changed that. I have an Austrian driver's license, but since being able to move my office within walking distance of my condo, I drive VERY little. It is a luxury, albeit one I value. We sold our second car. We drive to the mountains regularly, and that would be much more time consuming and logistically difficult with a big dog (previously a kid as well) with trains and buses. Possible, but the car is a wonderful luxury.
I think it will be the same for you in Valencia. Spain has awesome trains, but it is big and empty in the middle. Good luck with being car-less. I'm interesting to see how that goes for you.
FYI: In Europe, you need to blur out license plate numbers and people's faces if you post online. You have to have express permission from the person/owner to put that kind of personal information online. Bob might be having an affair and told his wife that he was never in that city on that corner in his little white Renault.