What you're ignoring is that the Jews were a small minority until the early 20th century, and that the British "Mandate" did not give Britain the right to give that land to create the state of Israel.
The Arabs didn't accept that their land was being taken from them, correct.
The situation was a Colonial power, Great Britain, gave away land that didn't belong to them, and the indigenous people have been resisting ever since. This took place in the middle of the 20th century when global colonialism was on the wane and world-wide nationalism was on the rise.
If Columbus had "discovered" America in 1942 rather than 1492, the same thing would be playing out in North America today.
There is no way to spin the fact that the "Palestine Mandate" was simply colonialism, and the world does not accept ethnic cleansing and genocide the way it did before the 20th century.