What a shocker. A guy who has a grudge against Tyson for 20+ years doesn't have anything nice to say about him. I'll note that Warren did not call the police or press charges.
I've done more than a little research into Mike's business career. Particularly when he was young, the only one looking out for him was D'Amato, and even then, Mike was being massively exploited. Yes, Mike was bad with money, he admits that freely. He was making so much however, that'd he'd still be rich today if his "business partners" hadn't been fucking him over.
So I can imagine that Warren was doing the same, Mike thought "I'm not going to pay that jewelry bill, let the asshole who robbed me pay." Mike was pissed because once again he'd been screwed over by a promoter. So he punched Warren. Again, this is my speculation.
I expect Warren was making a shitton of money off Mike with a lousy countract and didn't want to discuss it all in front of a judge, and that is why he didn't press charges and sue Mike for damages. Like Don King or any of the other people Tyson assaulted.
Tyson is a rough guy. I'm sure he's got a a serious temper and poor self control. Read his autobiography and none of this is a surprise. I don't condone Mike's actions, but I understand them.
Frank Warren's opinion about Tyson is about as honest as Robin Givens, who lied to her own husband about being pregnant to exploit him.