What a ridiculously elitist position. You're saying directly that only money allows speech. If I don't "prove" to you that I'm investing in precisely the way you dictate, then I'm to "shut up."
Who died and made you king, Lester? Oh, right. Nobody.
I have the right to speak whether I speculate on currencies or not.
Faking a screen capture is not difficult.
You did not write what you define as "investing." Does one Euro count?
This is not my first rodeo. I don't accept your setting the goal posts on speech on principal, but I have enough experience to expect you to move the goal posts on what constitutes "enough" of an investment. For both those reasons (mostly the former), I'm not cowing to the, "jump through Lester's hoops to be able to say that Israel is committing genocide" tactic.
There are lots of ways to invest that do not involve currency speculation. I'm heavily involved in other investments and I have no need or desire to share.
You're a war crimes and genocide denier, Lester. This sideshow about currencies is just a red herring. Another mass grave of civilians at another hospital in Palestine has been uncovered. Again I wonder how bad will Israel's actions have to get before you stop defending Israel's indefensible actions.
Finally, you did not provide screen capture(s) of your investments. Neither here nor in your other posts. According to your rules you should shut up now.