We've been at war since we came into being. Americans, particularly American men, are kings of being afraid and doing whatever we have to to give the impression we're not afraid.
We white folk arrived here and started wars with the people already here immediately after we didn't need them to survive the first few winters. We spent several hundred years at war until we'd killed enough of them that we could subdue the rest. But on the way we created fairytales of the fearless gunfighter and the savage "indians."
We brought a whole race of people as slaves here, and have been warring with our consciences ever since. We refuse to reflect on this massive crime, like our genocide of the indigenous North Americans.
We "freed" the slaves but gave them nothing, making them immediately wage slaves to the same white masters who used to own them. We've had a race war ever since. Usuaally cold, sometimes hot.
As we've entered late-stage capitalism, the oligarchs have impoverished all the minorities, and they now pit different white people against each other over cultural differences. This allows the über-wealthy to continue extracting wealth from all of us.
They get educated, well-meaning teachers riled up. The get these well-meainng, well educated people so riled up they burn like wildfire. They lash out to blame people like Joe Rogan, the unvaccinated and people who don't vote like you for the problems of the US.
That is just what the oligarchs want. They don't want you to realize that you have 95% more in common with the people who listen to Joe Rogan than the people telling you to hate Joe Rogan. They say Joe "took horse paste" (complete bullshit) is transphobic (also bullshit) and doesn't push back on really bad arguments from people with some really bad ideas (OK, you have a point there). In any case, you STILL have 95% more in common with people listening to Joe Rogan than you do with the oligarchs paying the talking heads on the MSM to say Joe Rogan is a horrible person who is causing problems.
We've been played by the rich since Christopher Columbus hopped of the boat and started sexually abusing the natives of North America.