Well then neither society is free. Ask Julian Assange. He’s in prison for potentially breaking US laws of “getting on a soap box in the public square” and he’s not even American or ever set foot in America. John Kirakou was the only American to go to prison for the US’ torture program in Iraq. Not for taking part in it, but for talking about it “on a soap box int the public square.” Ask Edward Snowden, exiled in Russia after the US revoked his passport in transit how free he was to criticize US policy of violating our 4th ammendment rights. Ask Steven Donziger how free the US is.
The US is censoring people left and right. I think Marjorie Taylor Greene is an idiot, but she shouldn’t be censored. Other people who shouldn’t be censored: Trump, Alex Jones, Chapo Trap House, Jimmy Dore, Breaking Points, hundreds of leftist YouTubers, Instagramers and Twitter channels.
The US does our propaganda and censoring smart. Not through direct gov’t suppression. We bring the heads of Twitter, Google and Facebook in front of congress and tell them they better censor or they will be regulated. So they do the US gov’t’s censoring for them.
We have more people in prison than any other nation on earth, including authoritarian China, who has 4x as many people.
The US has also gotten much smarter about being too obvious about shooting people or disappearing them like we did in the days of Fred Hampton, MLK, RFK, JFK and Mary Myers. You can say whatever you want on the public square…until you get some power or your message gets some traction. Then you end up like the people in the first paragraph.