Usually you are correct. The term is, "The Just World Fallacy."
That being said, on both an individual and by extrapolation on the international scale the world of 2024 is completely different to world of only 20 years ago. #MeToo was part of this.
Word of mouth stories and an occasional newspaper clipping were usually ephemeral and always debatable evidence. Social media connected victims separated by physical and temporal distance to bring down monsters like Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein. You can there were monsters like this in Hollywood since the dawn of movies. The internet and social media haven't ended it, but they HAVE made justice much more possible.
Very similarly in politics. Hillary Clinton lost to Trump partly because she campaigned like the internet didn't exist. It used to be you could tell one story to a crowd in Philadelphia, and the next day a totally different story to a crowd in NYC. By the time your lies came out (if at all), the election was long over. In 2016 people were standing on the rope line after a Clinton speech and confronting her with her recorded words from the previous day that were 180° different from the speech she just gave.
Boris Johnson and Liz Truss are no longer PMs of the UK partly because what they did in Ukraine and said about Ukraine was instantly transported around the world, and the backlash was near immediate.
I'm 100% sure what we in the US did to the indigenous tribes 150 years ago was just as horrible as what Israel is doing now the Palestinians. The difference is the 100s of videos that come out every. single. day. showing headless and limbless Palestinian babies and children that can't be brushed off as, "They were Hamas."
Israel will never be seen the same again by the rest of the world. Never. This is happening in real time, not a historical look at the horrors of 1930-40s Germany post-war.
Palestine has been trying for statehood since 1948. In the last 8 months they are finally getting countries on their side. The ICC and the ICJ are finally looking at Israeli war crimes. This is unprecedented.
This is Israel reaping what it has sown. The reaping has just begun.