Up front I'll say I was the target of baseless smears to ruin my reputation in a years-long legal fight. I won, but it was a definite underdog victory.
IMO Heard and Depp are two very damaged people who abused each other. The huge difference between them is that Heard decided to try to ruin Depp's life and destroy his career. She was pretty successful, getting Depp booted from Pirates and Fantastic Beasts.
I see a lot of people commenting that this is Depp getting revenge. Revenge or balancing the record?
I'm thankfully not famous. I spent years in court. It was very uncomfortable having to spend so much time and effort concentrating on painful, horrible personal experiences. If I had not, my reputation, and possibly my career could have been lost. If my clients had learned of all claims and those claims had gone unanswered I would have had a real problem. Huge corporations don't want to be associated with "people like that."
So if Depp only manages to prove that he was a victim (what has already happened in the court of public opinion) as well as an addict abuser, he has won.