Trump Sucking Doesn’t Make the Democrats Suck Less Hard
All you write about Trump’s horrible response to the Covid-19 pandemic doesn’t negate or diminish the sociopathic actions of the Democrats regarding the 2020 Dem primary election in the middle of that same pandemic. It is possible for two things to be bad at once. It is possible that there is not a “good guy v. bad guy” dynamic here.
I’m not at all disrespectful to the people who died in the Jonestown massacre when I compare both willful desires to put ideology above human lives. That is what Jim Jones did. That is what Tom Perez, the DNC, and Joe Biden also did.
My numbers don’t add up to 130,000 dead because I made some bad assumptions in my calculations. “I’m an engineer, not an epidemiologist, damn it!” [Insert Bones McCoy impersonation for emphasis]. My infection rate assumption was at least an order of magnitude too high. That doesn’t change the horrible motives of the Dem establishment to send people to their deaths for an election that could easily have been postponed. My bad assumptions don’t wash the blood from the hands of the Dems for reducing polling places all over the country in those primaries, particularly in areas with strong populist voting records.
What is also true is that the Corona virus infection rates jumped massively in the states that held those D primaries. People did die as a result of those horrible decisions, and more will die. The US is now over 100,000 deaths, and the curve is only beginning to flatten.
The US has a per capita death rate nearly 4 times higher than Austria (where I now live).The Austrian government shut the country down hard and early, but directly and immediately helped the who were asked to social distance. That the US forces it’s average citizens to choose between financial ruin or risking their lives in a pandemic is a bipartisan crime.