Trump and his suck-ups are only different in their presentation. In their actions the Democrats are no different, and one could argue worse, as they pretend to be what they are not, making it harder to fight against them.
It has been the Democrats in the last 15 years who have become more pro-war and more pro-censorship. 20-25 years ago that was not the case.
Trump, bad as he is, did not repeal Habeas Corpus. That was Obama. Dick war criminal Cheney and George Bush created a torture program and lied to Congress and the nation about it. Obama refused to even investigate them. They are all the same. "It's a big club and you ain't in it" as George Carlin used to say.
The best feature (maybe only good feature) of Trump is that those war criminals all hate him because he is only 90% pro-war instead of 100% pro-war, and often says the quiet part out loud.