Too many witnesses for the RFK assassination to be a conspiracy? That is an empirically false statement. There was one shooter in the case of MLK, but he didn’t plan and work alone. Similarly, Princip was most definitely part of a conspiracy to kill Ferdinand. He didn’t just happen to be on the street that day with gun when Ferdinand and Sophie drove by.
As far as 9/11, there is an entire group, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (of which I’m a member as an engineer) that has proven empirically that at least WTC 7 did not collapse as per the official NIST story. We don’t know or claim to know who did bring down the three WTC buildings, but the math and physics claims by NIST in the official government story are simply impossible. Whoever did bring down the towers, it was a group, working illegally and secretly. Ergo, a conspiracy.