Tiny detail you left out: The 2014 armed Maidan coup killing civilians that overthrew the democractically elected government of Ukraine and unconstitutionally installed a new head of gov't and multiple other high level posts all hand picked by the US.
That was the precursor to any military action by Russia.
Then the US spent 8 years and over $3,000,000,000 turning Ukraine into a pseudo-NATO military state, while the US continued to dictate political direction (remember Biden bragging about getting a Ukrainian national Attorney General sacked in 6 six hours? It's on video).
The US refused to push Ukraine to implement Minsk. Germany and Ukraine's leaders have both said publically they never intended to implement Minsk. Russia pushed hard for Minsk to be implemented.
If Minsk had been implemented, the Donbas would have stayed part of Ukraine. No invasion.
I could go on for a while.
Tiny details you left out there Mr. O'Leary.