This list is fantastic even if you deny the reality of the awesomeness of Rush's Hemispheres (Permanent Waves just missed the 70s cutoff). ;-)
I also lost interest in The Boss after "Born in the USA. That is OK. Bands are like people. Most develop and change with time. We have people we are close to at a particular time in our lives. Like ships sailing the same route for a while. Then our paths diverge and we travel on separately. It is not good or bad. It just is.
Anyone who has been in a long term relationship knows that each person (aka ship's captain) must choose to continue to sail next to someone else for a continued period of time. We each have our own storms that batter us and sometimes blow us off course. We have to choose to steer back next to the other ship. "If we choose not to decide, we still have made a choice." (Free Will, Rush, 1980). We very rarely know famous band members personally, so it is only by coincidence that we'll continue to like all the music of a band that stays together for decades like the Stones or Rush. Our ships have taken different courses. It is not bad or good. It just is.
I gotta go home and put on Physical Graffiti.