This is censorship by another name. Never in history has censorship solved the problem it was introduced to solve. In every case censorship makes the situation worse.
I make those statements living in a country (Austria) where making pro-Nazi statements or gestures or having pro-Nazi objects can be illegal. Note I write "can be" and not "is" because some pretty famous people have made some pretty sketchy statements that if they weren't famous would have (IMO) resulted in their arrest. The point is "hate speech" cannot be universally defined.
Just as important, if someone wants to say something hateful - or pro-Nazi - well I'd rather know who those assholes are so that I can avoid them privately or vote against them if they are in politics.
If you can hear or read what someone is saying, you can try to get to the root of the problem - for example why someone would hate someone just for being Jewish - rather than have that hate festering in the dark.