This is a, "Yes, and..." kind of story for me. As an American who lived my last 12 years in the US in Houston before moving to Austria, I fully agree about the A/C levels in the US. My immediate family all still live in/near Houston and I freeze there in the summer indoors.
That being said, the US military is the #1 emitting organization of greenhouse gasses, and we've just made 4 new US foreign military bases in the last couple of years.
70% of emissions are from 100 mgeg-corporations.
Private jet travel is at an all time high.
So yes, people in the US should turn up the temp on their thermostats, AND we should regulate both our military, our oligarchs and the US-based multinationals they control. Those things after the "AND" would bring far more bang for the buck.
We also should be greening our cities. More people live in cities than ever before, and it is not expensive (and VERY pretty) to green up cities and bring down ambient termperatures. Then the need for A/C would drop as well.