This is a stupid and dangerous take on the "Trad Wife" trend. Particularly the trend that anything you don't like is just like the Nazis. FFS that is stupid and dangerous.
The Nazis believed the world is round. Does that make Neil deGrasse Tyson a Nazi?
Choosing to stay at home and being forced to stay at home are world's apart.
The Nazis had an entire ideology based on made-up races (Aryan and Jew) and racial superiority between those made-up races.
I just spent the holidays in the Czech Republic, including visiting my wife's grandfather's house (where our family still lives). He was sent to Buchenwald for being a Czech born in 1921 and a policeman who wasn't down with the new Nazi overlords. He survived only because he was an excellent carpenter and could make and repair furniture.
THAT is what the Nazis were about. They were about physical violence to achieve political ends FROM THEIR FIRST INCEPTION. Their violence didn't start in 30s after they gained power.
Conflating Trad Wives (even if I don't agree with a LOT of what they stand for) with Nazis is insulting to the real victims of Nazism.