^^This. I get a lot of ads from people telling me how I can take a free course from them to learn how to make a fortune in "X" (where X is usually trading, but sometimes selling something else or building an app).
If I have "26 sales people in Dubai working for me so I can spend all day surfing" why the hell would I spend my time making free courses to teach you how to do the same, instead of spending my resources getting 26 more sales people, or just go surfing (and/or living in my villa, and/or driving my "Porsche Cayman S!") since I "obviously" already have a fortune? There is no business answer to this question that doesn't put the entire business model they are trying to sell into question.
I have made a really good living with my small company. I spend my time building my company internally so that I can spend time going out in the woods with my wife and dog, going to the gym, or touting my obviously genius opinions on Medium.
I have not spent any time in the last nearly 29 years that I've had my company writing articles, making videos and/or selling courses teaching people how to replicate my success. The main reason is: it is a secret. No, just kidding. There were so many unique factors in my success that I think trying to make a recipe for that success would be doomed to failure.