There are better leaders in the US. Plenty of them.
Starting in the late 60s and culminating in Citizens United, corporate donations to political candidates. So now the candidate who wins 90% of the time (statistically proven) is the one who has the most money.
The money gets bigger as the office gets higher in the pecking order. By the time you get to Senators and the president, only the oligarch-approved candidates get through. Except Trump, which is why they hate him. He bucked the system. I don't like Trump and would never vote for him, but he was really the choice of a majority of voters in the correct states to win in 2016.
Back to the top. With virtually unlimited funds for big races, anyone running for office knows that they will be smeared massively and cheated by corporate hacks if they campaign on principles for the people. Virtually nobody wants to do that. Tim Canova in Florida running against Debbie Wasserman Schultz lost the election through blatant election fraud. As did Bernie against Hillary.
Canova gave up when he realized that the DNC openly breaking the law was not going to be prosecuted. Bernie gave up because...lots of theories but we'll probably never know why.