Then you're not only disagreeing with me, you are disagreeing with objective reality on the battlefield, as well as NATO leaders who say right NOW Russia is outproducing the West. The munitions being used RIGHT NOW are those being produced by Russia, and Russia is outgunning Ukraine by 7:1 to as much as 10:1.
The West DOES NOT have the means to rapidly scale up production, that is exactly the problem. We in the West have spend the years since WWII turning our weapons production from a needs-based industry to a profit-based industry.
It is of course extremely difficult to predict the future. Maybe Russia is "stealing from Peter to pay Paul" regarding weapons and ammo production and everything will come crashing down. Right now it does not look like it.
I'm looking only at Western sources for my information. There are enough independent Western sources to put together a pretty decent picture, together with both the propaganda of the West (MSM) and the propaganda of the East (Russian and Chinese official statements). So far I've not been surprised by anything since the Fall 22 Ukrainian counteroffensive. Since then I've been unsurprised with how the Ukrainian conflict has progressed.