The US is undoubtably wealthier in total wealth than Russia. Economically stronger is a much more difficult case to make, because it depends on how you measure it.
Russia is far more autarkic than the US. They have a wealth of energy natural resources that make them VERY difficult to sideline - as we saw when the west tried (and nearly succeeded in 2022) to crush Russia economically.
I don't underestimate drone technology in the west. I just don't see a massive technological advantage. Russia has been a math powerhouse since we really started looking at that factor in a society about 100 years ago with the start of manned flight.
Really good math is what you need for really good rockets and heavier than air vehicles. Russia's allies China and Iran are also really good at math.
Since the end of 2022 I've been saying that Russia is going to win this, and nothing has arisen to change my mind yet. First and foremost, the front line continues to move westward. Ever westward.