The US in particular now lives in a world (on purpose, I believe) where groups are constantly pitted against each other. A world where unacceptable behaviour is extremely subjectively defined. A partial list of such terms:
- Creepy
- Sexist
- Homophobic
- Transphobic
- Ageist
- Ableist
- Antisemitic
There are enough really horrible people *Andrew Tate* to prove that there are real problems.
There are enough dishonest women to prove that these terms can be misused as weapons. Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren calling Bernie Sanders a sexist.
The line between sexy and creepy is so nuanced as to be impossible to define objectively. In the end, "creepy" means, "Doing something that makes me feel uncomfortable." That is obviously different from person to person and even with one person different from situation to situation. Bill Burr did a great bit on this:
"They can stop." Well that is a completely useless piece of advice unless it comes with a device contatining an instantaneous guide for you and every other woman as to what should not be done or said in every possible situation. Got that list? Of course you don't. It would be impossible to make. Just as impossible as a man not doing something that in a specific situation you consider creepy.
If you're expecting a world where a person can feel safe all the time in any situation then I've got some bad news for you sunshine. It is not going to happen - be it for women or men. I know analogies kinda suck for convincing people, but I think this one works pretty well. It is like thinking that if you kill all the sharks, you'll be 100% safe to go swimming in the ocean. You won't. There will always be a risk.