The question for us in Europe is how long will we continue to sanction ourselves for the US Empire (what you call the "White Empire").
The European natural gas embargo has huge holes in it, because the biggest economies (e.g. Germany) have said straight out they can't survive without Russian gas short- to mid-term. It is the same here in Austria, and there are carve-outs for Hungary, etc. etc.
The much vaunted EU Russian shipped oil embargo has a hole in it big enough to sail an oil tanker through. Greek oil tankers (27% of the entire global market!!!) are exempt. Meaning that the embargo is toothless.
All that the embargos have meant is high inflation in the EU, for a war that Ukraine is losing and will continue to lose unless NATO sends troops. Inflation at this level is politically untenable. NATO sending troops even less so. Those are of course my opinions and I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
Ukraine was never a great EU partner. They were a great Russian partner. Grandmas freezing in Hamburg for corrupt weapons dealers in Lyiv is bad political calculus. French soldiers dying in Kharkov is even worse.
The question I wonder about is if NATO will survive this war and embargo in more than name. If Putin is smart he'll stop after his stated goals are met (expect a few more months to take the rest of the Donbas). European "leaders" will then feel immense internal pressure to find more loopholes in the sanctions/embargo to bring inflation down. This in effect will force them to break with the US Empire or face their own political demise. The US will then try to exert similar (while less draconian) pressure on NATO members as it did on Russia. Who will still bend the knee?