The problems are serveral, but a main one is the publically-traded-capitalist mindset that "value" is determined by continuous growth. Infinite growth in a finite world is impossible.
Once there is a Starbucks in every village and hamlet from Adelaide to Zagreb, how do you continue growth? You raise prices without raising quality, cut back on staff, etc.
Schultz is also part of the problem, because he clearly can't adapt his mindset from the one needed to grow a startup to the one needed to run the market leader. That he appears to be a tone deaf dick doesn't help. Starbucks will continue to struggle as long as he is CEO.
IMO (I'm biased as the owner of a privately held LLC) the main problem is in the first paragraph. If you are a publically traded company, particularly in the US, you are required to push for ever-increasing quarterly earnings and not at a sustainable level of proft. Companies paying dividends are different. The idea that the markeet leader must continue to increase profit forever is impossible.