The problem with your theory is that we would probably all be dead by now if the US had followed it.
Covid is being defeated in 1st world countries, but remote meetings will continue and business travel will be reduced. Why? Not because webex/MS teams/zoom/skype/etc. technology became available in the last year, but because it became acceptable to use them. The techology was normalized.
If the US had used atomics instead of conventional weapons throughout the end of WWII, we would have used them in Korea, and our enemies, starting in the 50s, would have used them too. Korea would have been flattened, then Vietnam. At some point one of these wars would have expanded, because the other side would think, "We have nothing left to lose" and start firing atomics at US outposts and allies if not the US itself. Why not if atomics are normalized?
There were multiple times when the US and the USSR nearly started a nuclear war in our current history. If since WWII the idea of atomics was normalized, neither side would have hesitated the way we did, and probably none of us would be here today.