The point is: The richest country in the world should be the safest. We have enough money to provde a decent life for every American. But we don't. We have 3 people who own more than the bottom half of the country. The top 10 percent of wealthy people (where I'm lucky enough to be) owns something over 90 percent of everything in the country. The bottom 80% of the US lives paycheck to paycheck.
Those at the very bottom live in desparation. Desparate people do desparate things. So the US, instead of being a paradise and the envy of the world, can claim to be (according to you) NOT in the top 50 for most crime. Whoop-di-fucking-do.
We are #1 for prisoners. Not just per capita, also in absolute numbers. We have more prisoners than China, who has 4x our population. Ex-cons have a shitty life, meaning more desparation. Broken families. And crime.