"The plan..." sentence is correct (IMO).
The first two sentences are incorrect. Physical beauty is different from "what turns him [me] on." For example, I think there are some unbelievably beautiful Japanese women. But Asian women in general don't turn me on. I have a neighbor who is a blue-eyed blond German Goddess with a Hollywood smile who also happens to be a REALLY nice woman. But blue-eyed blondes are not what revs my motor, so there is no spark there for me.
It is incorrect to conclude that because physical beauty is important, it is more important than inner beauty. You cannot evaluate inner and outer beauty in anything close to the same time frame.
I can tell if I find a woman physically attractive from a TV screen or across a room. I can tell if I find a woman sexually attractive within a few seconds in her presence. Evaluating inner beauty takes a lot of 1 on 1 discussion; Hours at least.
So by definition, if I want to have a sexually (for me) attractive and inner attractive mate, it only makes sense to chat up women I find sexually attractive to see if they also have inner beauty.
Any other plan would be a waste of time.