The greatest irony is how similar the historical revisionism in the US is to that in Russia. In the US, you still hear that the US won both WWI and WWII. How many US films, books, and TV shows have some old American dude yelling at a European, "If it weren't for me (often 'us'), you'd be talking German!"
It is of course a counterfactual to say the Soviet Union couldn't have won without the other Allies, just as it is impossible to say that the US could have won without the USSR.
That being said, with 75% of all German casualties happening on the Eastern Front, it is easier to claim it would have been possible for the USSR to win alone than for us (US).
It is also VERY different to supply weapons and supplies than to commit your own soldiers. Just ask Ukraine in 2022.
Apropos Ukraine 2022. The claim in this article is that without the US lend-lease support the USSR could not have defeated the Germans. That would mean the Russians are correct in their 2022 claim that they are actually fighting NATO and not just Ukraine.