The first sentence is (again) not true. It is (again) another falsehood spread by Israel to whitewash war crimes. Hamas is not only terrorists / resistance fighters. Hamas - as the government of Gaza, also runs the schools and hospitals. Israel says anyone in Hamas is a terrorist, thus making school teachers, hospital employees, government aid workers, post office employees, etc. ALL - in Israel's words - "terrorists." This is just a lie used to justify Israel's war crimes and genocide.
The second sentence is straight up an admission of a war crime. Gaza is occupied territory. It is a war crime for Israel to send armed troops into Gaza, or to attack Gaza from outside of Gaza. It is not complicated. Gaza - and the West Bank - are occupied territory of Israel. Israel has the obligation to protect the people of Gaza; to make sure they have enough water, food and shelter. Israel is committing war crimes against the Palestinians every. single. day.