The first IS actually business as usual for the ultra-rich. Trump is a horrible rich asshole and corrupt, but no more so than the horrible rich assholes denouncing him.
The full quote of Trump is that "they let you grab 'em by the pussy" because he is rich and famous. Also horrible, also misgynistic, also - for people like him - normal.
I'm definitely not a fan of Trump's on the abortion issue. Trump pandered to the evangelical Christians, and they are the dog that caught the car on this one. That being said, Obama (for sure) and Clinton (I'm pretty sure) BOTH could have gotten abortion codified into law but (specifically Obama) CHOSE not to prioritize it, after campaigning on it.
In my book Trump and Biden are both horrible, just in different ways. The fact that Democrats keep trying lawfare because they are too afraid of democracy says more about them than Trump.