The Desperation is the Same as in 1930s Germany
The politcal situation is rather different, and a solution in the 2020s US is much easier than 1920s Weimar Deutschland. Democratic Germany and Austira and the Soviet Union were't old enough to drive in 1929, let alone drink. People weren't used to democracy, and the oligarchs had much more power both in direct poltical power, and the fear factor of the Bolsheviks.
25-30% of any country will support authoritarians. Those are the hard-core Trump followers. But they can't take over the country unless another 20-25% support them. It is MUCH easier in 2020 US to defang the hard-core right than in 1920s Germany. Just elect Dems, DSA members, Green party members and straight up socialists who won't go along with the bullshit third way Dems like like the Clintons, Obama and Biden.
If Biden gave people the $2k checks he promised and the $15/hr minimum wage he said he supported, no right wing demagogue would have a chance. Anyone saying that the culture wars would trump (pun intended) a living wage is either lying or deluded. The president who gives the country medicare for all will be reelected in a landslide, as will his or her VP. I guaran-fucking-tee it.
The biggest problem is not the authoritarian far right Republicans. It is the authoritarian right Dems who enable them.
edit: spelling errors