That is definitely looking more believable! I still take everything that Ukraine or Russia says about the other side with a barrel of salt.
Those are definitely bodies.
Several stock photos of North Koreans in North Korea.
I'm waiting now for a body from drone film from a drone proven to be over Kursk to be analyzed by a neutral or at least semi-neutral expert and the soldier(s) identified as North Korean.
I have no idea how easy it would be to get one of those bodies and have a decent
DW is unknown to me, but I'd bet a lot they just take their information from someone in the UK government that gives it to them. So if they are wrong it would not be "fraud." I don't think legally it would be "fraud" even if they were knowing lying (which they might be, we'll probably never know). It would just be propaganda.
At this point I'm not sure I remember correctly what North Koreans fighting in Kursk is supposed to mean and/or represent.
IIRC correctly NK soldiers in Kursk was used to justify allowing Ukraine to use US missiles inside Russia. Since that has already happened, it seems kind of a moot point whether there are NK soldiers fighting in Kursk. Maybe NK soldiers fighting there is supposed to mean something else.
I'm still quite interested whether it is true or not since I've been following it for some weeks. Can you enlighten me as to what NK soldiers fighting in Kursk (if true) is supposed to mean?