Thanks for the answer. Interesting and wrong on both major points for different reasons.
First point: There may be systemic racism everywhere else. I know multiple other countries than the US quite well, but I won’t claim to be an expert on race relations anywhere. The idea that the only solution for systemic racism is “interbreeding” is disproven by many other countries where systemic racism is far lower than the US, but the countries are no more racially homogeneous.
Second point: The last several billion years of “interbreeding” says that we’ll actually be “rendered” to the highest common denominator. There are, for example, no more Neanderthals. Homo Sapiens was superior, and we’re still here. Apropos Homo Sapiens: Under our skin all human beings are virtually identical. The differences between different “races” are almost literally only skin deep. Poor forensic TV show editing aside, looking at a skeleton you can’t tell whether a person was black, brown, tan, white, red, yellow or pink.