Sure, buddy. I was born in the morning, but it wasn’t this morning.
[edit: finish what I didn't have time to write last night]
I love randos on the internet who use straw-man passive-aggressive manipulative arguments rather than just engage.
And by love I mean love to point out their bullshit.
How about this, Ms. LMFT? Just accept that other people have different experiences and those experiences are just as valid as yours.
But no: You use a common passive-aggressive manipulation tactic of rephrasing what I wrote to make it divisive and then beat down that straw-man while claiming to just "correct the record."
The OP clapped for my comment, but you decided you have to correct my feelings about my family, because...reasons
You use another passive-aggressive tactic of pretending your comments were just "philosophical musings." LOL. This is the same bullshit tactic as people who say something inflammatory and then say, "What? I was just asking questions."
Your final passive-aggressive manipulation is to try to put me on the defensive by asking "why the rage?" There is no rage in my comments. FFS I start my comment to the OP with "with all due respect" (he's an inciteful writer, IMO). This is just an attempt by you to change the subject from content to tone (classic passive-aggressive).
And why do you even care what I wrote or what my family is like? You don't know me or them. Triggered much? As I wrote, your (repeated) comments say more about you than me.
I feel sorry if you have clients who have to deal with your issues while paying you for therapy services.
[Note that Grammarly says this comment rates a "huggy" emoji]