Sirhan Sirhan recanted his confession. There is also the small matter of 12 or 13 shots fired from Sirhan Sirhan’s 8-shot revolver, and the fact that in 1975 they could not again match Sirhan’s gun to the bullets ballistics — calling into question the original reports.
Building 7 most certainly didn’t collapse due to damage to its foundation. That is not even the same story as NIST claims. At the engineering school I went to (“Cranks and Malcontents University”) I had classes in physics, statics, dynamics and thermodynamics (to name a few). These are all based on physical properties. Office fires (the official reason for the collapse of WTC 7 and part of the official reason for WTC 1 and 2) cannot burn hot enough to compromise steel. End of story. Math doesn’t work. Empirical trials to recreate have all failed. NIST descriptions to account for some of the support failings of the building design are also incorrect — and with the correct beam supports, additional NIST math just doesn’t work. It is physically impossible. The NIST report is just factually false. When confronted to prove their math works, NIST refuses on “national security” grounds — which is also bullshit.
Again, AE for 9/11 truth doesn’t claim to know “who did it.” We just know that the official story is physically impossible. WTC 7 is most clear, but the destruction of WTC 1 and 2 (falling into their own footprints with the upper floors crushing completely the bottom floors for one thing) is also physically impossible based on two airplanes flying into them. We don’t know how it was done, but we do know how it was NOT done — by flying two planes into the buildings.
That one person could not have planned and executed this is clear. Therefore it is by definition a conspiracy.
Sorry if you don’t like the truth, but math and physics don’t change to fit a more comfortable storyline.