Since we're almost the same age these songs are almost all known to me. Listening to several reminded me of a story from my college days. That was a few years after "Animal House" was a first run movie.
Whenever I or my my best friend, dorm mate and later apartment mate would get dumped by some girl, the other would go to the stereo and pick out "heartbreak" songs like these and lay the vinyl down one after the other at loud volume.
The dumped one of us, hiding in his room/cave would go through the five stage of grief in record time (see what I did there?).
Eventually the dumped one just started laughing with the one laughing and playing the albums. I haven't thought of that 35-year-old story in ages. That was 5 or 6 major life segments ago. Wow.
Thanks for a tear and a laugh and some cool memories.