Seriously? NATO was created to counter the USSR. The USSR created The Warsaw Pact to counter NATO.
When the USSR collapsed and Russia became another capitalist country, the Russians naively thought they could join NATO. Mutual security groups like NATO, with Russia inside, would benefit Russia. NATO rebuffed them.
It became clear after 1991 that NATO was NOT going to disband after their reason for existence (the USSR) ceased to exist. After being rebuffed by NATO, and NATO expanding towards Russia, it became clear already in the 90s, that NATO had just transitioned from "anti-USSR" to "anti-Russia."
Russia tried the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" tactic. That failed because NATO (the US) doesn't want to be friends with Russia. From 1992 till about 2012 or so, Russia was too weak to do much of anything against NATO. That has changed. Russia joining the Civil War in Ukraine started by the western-backed coup is the result.
Finland I'm sure is seen as a problem by Russia. Just not an existential one, or at least not yet.